

An item at Metropolitan Museum of Art

The painted ornament on the upper front of this chest, with its crowned Tudor rose, Scottish thistle, and French fleur-de-lis, is typical of designs on furniture produced in the Guilford-Saybrook area of coastal Connecticut. The painted borders on the top recall the inlaid-veneer crossbanding found on high-style English furniture of the seventeenth century.

The American Wing

An exhibit at Metropolitan Museum of Art


The American Wing's ever-evolving collection comprises some 20,000 works of art by African American, Euro American, Latin American, and Native American men and women. Ranging from the colonial to early-modern periods, the holdings include painting, sculpture, works on paper, and decorative arts—including furniture, textiles, ceramics, glass, silver, metalwork, jewelry, basketry, quill and bead embroidery—as well as historical interiors and architectural fragments.